Episode IX - Fan Service Part 2

All kidding aside if anyone at Disney reads this; don’t make a Boba Fett movie. If there was ever a character best kept shrouded in mystery it is Fett. Actually his very popularity is the gold standard for this rule. The Prequel trilogy did start to chip away at this, but no more. We don’t need to see the individual stories of how each piece of his gear came together. Or that the Wookie hair he wears aren’t from bounties, but a reminder of the time he was betrayed by blah blah blah.

Thanks for looking.


Kill all my favorite characters, please.

Currently playing: Destiny 2 Forsaken (XB1), Sea Of Thieves (XB1), graveyard Keeper (GWG), Prison Architect (GWG), Ticket To Earth (iOS) - I think this will be a fun header to include from now on.

With the Forsaken expansion launch on Destiny, I felt it was time to load the game back up and jump in. It feels good to be home again. Let me start by reminding everyone I am a casual player I’ve played all the expansions, but I don’t live at or near any sort of light caps. Forsaken has been great so far and I’m about halfway through the story, and so far I love it. My favorite thing about the new campaign story is that one of my favorite characters dies.

Cayde 6 has been a fan favorite from the start, voiced by Nathan Fillion, and given all the best lines in the game. Cayde is that guy in middle school that everyone likes from the cool kids to the nerds and even the teachers. Forsaken is, unfortunately, his last ride, but he goes down in style with a few more great one-liners and with him gone you appreciate all that came before that much more.

I like a story that is willing to kill people you love. Without those stakes stories feel too safe and turning the page or watching the next cut scene is never a risk. If you’ve been gone from Destiny come back and play a few more missions with Cayde or if not that watch a stream and enjoy some great cut scenes. I’ll keep you all posted and give full thoughts on the story as I progress.

As I look back on games I’ve played in the past, some of my favorites ended in death. I may think these over for the next few days and write about how these characters dying reflects on the story.

Red Dead Redemption
Mass Effect Trilogy
Halo Reach
BioShock: Infinity